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The STT Practice Ground has two different roofs for practice in the use of lifelines and the relative PPE. 
The first, at a height of 3 metres, is built up against the Tower and allows simulation of operations on roofs with the direct participation of course attendees, who can watch practice drills from the first level walkway, with easy access to the three following models of lifelines:

  • SecuRope with rail
  • SecuRail
  • Allukemi Life™.
The second roof is on the top of the Tower, at a height of 13.5 metres. It is accessed by a ladder from the third walkway. This area, also equipped with 3 models of lifelines, complies with the highest standards for training in the use of third category safety harness PPE. This section is used for safety training and practice for antenna engineers, solar panel installers and all those whose work involves access, handling and standing on roofs at standard and even greater heights, such as those generally found on the roofs of factory buildings.

Possible courses

  • Lifeline installation courses